And I thought: Man! What a pity that grown-ups' wish lists get so boring--I mean, it's all, like, electronics and clothing and food stuffs--not that those things can't be exciting--but once you're an adult, if you were to stop thinking about what's "realistic," and let your imagination run wild--first of all, Oh! The things you could come up with!--and then second (more importantly), you have so many more resources for making your dreams come true than when you were a child.
I've recently been reading a book called The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss. Now, I don't want to give the impression I fully endorse the ideas in the book because, as Brandon pointed out upon reading the jacket cover, the author is basically explaining how you can become one of those lazy fat cats sitting pretty on the backs of the poor. The notion of not just failing to condemn, but even joining the new leisure class struck Brandon immediately as morally abhorrent. I wasn't quite so quick to judge, but being somewhat partial to Kantian ethics, it does bother me that if everyone were to apply Mr. Ferris's methods, the whole system would crumble.
That being said ... I completely agree with Mr. Ferriss that the 40 hr work week is too long and, at least partly because of that, people waste a lot of time while "on the clock." It's a lesson that becomes very clear contrasting the public school system with the homeschool experience. It is possible to accomplish much more learning in just a few hours at home than in a whole day spent at school (with homework added on to be completed in "off hours"). I could continue, but this is not the point I want to make right now.
The really valuable takeaway from the book for me is the reminder that you don't have to wait until retirement to pursue your dreams. In fact, you shouldn't. You should figure out right now what you really want to do with your life, make a plan to get it done, and start executing that plan immediately.
So, here's my own preliminary "insane" list of wishes:
- to write a great work of literature (some novels?)
- to do lots of paintings that I really like (better than the ones I've done so far)
- to get paid for giving workshops on topics of interest to me
- to get paid for writing curricula that help people learn valuable stuff
- to have multiple friends whom I can really trust, who like me, and who enrich my life with their strangeness
- to have multiple friends whom I can really trust, who like me, and who enrich my life with their strangeness
- to live in a home that is kept tidy and is full of happy-making art
- to eat well and exercise sufficiently to feel as good as possible
- to appreciate each day, knowing that I am fulfilling my longtime dream: to see the face of God and live
- and not just that, but also to appreciate what hadn't occurred to me until recently as a corollary to the previous that the face of God is being seen in me and my creative endeavors
- to raise children who know that they are loved and valuable, and who have gifts beyond what I can imagine
- also one of those Tibetan singing bowl thingies
- and a really fancy kazoo (gold plated?)
- and a collection of the best medieval scholars' hats recreated for modern times
- and more accessories for my camera (macro lens, telephoto lens, super deluxe flash)
- and a hooded cape with awesome embroidery (more than one?)
- and a solar powered motorbike
- and my own private study - that's really, really private - with a heavy, soundproof door and a huge dead bolt - or, better yet, a big wooden bar across the door - and with no windows - and stuffed book cases lining the walls completely
- and a giant monitor lizard (which is about the closest to a pet dragon anyone is going to get until genetic engineering advances a lot more)
Okay, so now, while I get to work on a plan to make my dreams come true ... what about your "insane" wish list? (-:
[Sadly, of all those things, I think the least likely ever to be fulfilled are the ones about the house being tidy, and eating well and exercising ... lol ... totally unrealistic ... ]
- and not just that, but also to appreciate what hadn't occurred to me until recently as a corollary to the previous that the face of God is being seen in me and my creative endeavors
- to raise children who know that they are loved and valuable, and who have gifts beyond what I can imagine
- also one of those Tibetan singing bowl thingies
- and a really fancy kazoo (gold plated?)
- and a collection of the best medieval scholars' hats recreated for modern times
- and more accessories for my camera (macro lens, telephoto lens, super deluxe flash)
- and a hooded cape with awesome embroidery (more than one?)
- and a solar powered motorbike
- and my own private study - that's really, really private - with a heavy, soundproof door and a huge dead bolt - or, better yet, a big wooden bar across the door - and with no windows - and stuffed book cases lining the walls completely
- and a giant monitor lizard (which is about the closest to a pet dragon anyone is going to get until genetic engineering advances a lot more)
Okay, so now, while I get to work on a plan to make my dreams come true ... what about your "insane" wish list? (-:
[Sadly, of all those things, I think the least likely ever to be fulfilled are the ones about the house being tidy, and eating well and exercising ... lol ... totally unrealistic ... ]